Cambridge University Press trials Writefull to expedite COVID-19 research

COVID-19 research is timely, and should be published with as little delay as possible. To this end, Cambridge University Press (CUP) and Writefull have set up a collaboration. Over the next three months, authors submitting COVID-19-related manuscripts to several relevant journals are invited to use Writefull.

By using Writefull, authors can quickly improve the language of their manuscripts before submitting it to a journal. This facilitates the screening and editing of manuscripts, making the publishing process more efficient.

We hope that through this collaboration, we help streamline the publication of research that matters most right now.

These are the participating journals:
AHR - Animal Health Research Reviews
HYG - Epidemiology and Infection
ICE - Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology
MAM - Microscopy and Microanalysis
PDM - Prehospital and Disaster Medicine
PSM - Psychological Medicine
DMP - Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness
BJP - British Journal of Psychiatry
BJO - BJPsych Open
BJA - BJPsych Advances
BJB - BJPsych Bulletin
BJI - BJPsych International
PHN - Public Health Nutrition
BJN - British Journal of Nutrition