Writefull’s API used by ACS for language evaluation quality control after editing

We are pleased to announce that ACS (American Chemical Society) has integrated Writefull’s Manuscript Categorization API to automatically evaluate the language in manuscripts after copyediting as part of their quality control program. This is one of two uses of this API by ACS; the other use case is for language quality assessment of accepted manuscripts before copyediting.

Evaluating copyedited manuscripts

All manuscripts undergo some level of copyediting. Publishers often carry out a language quality check after editing that can be quite labor-intensive and manual.

Writefull's API

Publishers can now use Writefull’s Manuscript Categorization API to perform language-based quality control checks after editing. The API rapidly evaluates the language quality of manuscripts and provides a score or categorical designation that can be tailored to a Publisher’s evaluation needs.

More information

Would you like to learn more about Writefull’s Manuscript Categorization API or about any of our other Publisher services? Please contact us at publishers@writefull.com.