After successfully integrating four of Writefull’s API services into their production workflow, ACS is now embarking on a pilot of Revise, Writefull’s pre-submission service for authors. This pilot aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Writefull’s automated language revision for ACS’s authors.
Writefull Revise is a web service that automatically copy edits texts using Writefull’s language models. Publishers can offer this service to authors who are about to submit. After uploading their document, authors can download a revised version with Writefull’s edits in Track Changes.
While Writefull’s generic language models are trained on published papers, giving language edits appropriate for research writing, ACS’s instance of Writefull Revise runs models that have been trained specifically on ACS’s content. This means that the edits given by Writefull Revise align very closely with ACS Publications’s writing standards.
ACS is piloting this service to evaluate its effectiveness in helping their authors, with the aim to reduce linguistic barriers:
“ACS is committed to cultivating global equity in scientific communication, and we expect that offering this scientifically trained language tool for free to authors will reduce language barriers to publication, helping authors everywhere tell their stories with confidence and clarity.” (source: ACS Axial)
The pilot currently covers ten of ACS’s journals (find the list here). Data gathered during the pilot will be used to decide whether the service is expanded to more.

Learn more
Would you like to learn more about Writefull Revise or any of Writefull’s other services for publishers? We would love to tell you more, and discuss how Writefull could help your publishing processes. Please get in touch with us at or visit our website for more information.